Disney Princess by Aimee Friedland
I'd like my life to be beautiful and comfortably feminine. I'd like to wake up from rose-colored sheets, in a cozy bedroom that smells better than a candle. And wouldn't it be loverly to look in the mirror and think, "Oh my, that girl is very pretty!" I could put on pearl earings and pin a vintage brooch to my breast.
wrapped in silent elegance
And I think that I should like to have pouty pink lips, big brown eyes lined with green or gold, skin like beige velvet..
You could arrive sometime around 7 pm. I'd put on my best slip and we'd drink wine at some scenely joint. That one evening, we'd let our fingers slide together like two interlocking pieces of a puzzle.
take me somewhere we can be alone
Sitting on a cold bench under the shivering black sky, you'd touch my face like we lived in a Disney movie and I was your princess.